

  • How to replace your windshield wiper blades

    While commonly overlooked, car windshield wipers are an important component of your car’s safety system. If your windshield wipers aren’t working properly, it can be difficult to see driving hazards in the rain or snow. So now let’s learning how you can replace your car windshield wiper blades to stay safe. When should...

  • How much are a pair of car window wiper blades?

    We must be told there are many accidents are a result of poor visibility in heavy rain or snow, or we may not realize that the car window wiper blades are shot until there is an immediate visibility concern... Due to the importance of car window wiper blades, so we are mentioned that replace our car window wiper blades every six months, do we know the c...

  • What windshield wipers do I need

    There are many different car windshield wipers available. For example, conventional car wipers, hybrid car wipers, flat car wipers, specific car wipers. Here we explain the difference between these types of car windshield wipers and their uses and applications, then help you know that what is the best car windshield wipers Conventional car wipersConvent...

  • How long is the lifespan of soft windshield wiper blade?

    Do you know the lifespan of your car’s soft windshield wiper blades? As you know, your soft windshield wiper blades remove rain, snow, ice and dirt etc from the windshield of your cars, sometimes even need to wipe away tree sap and bird droppings etc. Your soft windshield wiper blades need to do lots of work to help you maintain visibility of the windshield ...

  • Why is the windshield wiper blade not working?

    In rainy days, the car wiper will not move, or not work, can be dealt with from the following aspects:   1. Refer to the vehicle manual to find out what type of wiper is used.   2. Pay attention to whether the way the support rod is connected to the wiper rocker arm correctly. Some arms are screwed to the rocker arm, while others are bolt...


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