Why does the wiper blade keep skipping and how to solve it

Why does the wiper blade keep skipping and how to solve it

The wiping effect of car wiper blades directly affects the visibility of vehicles, it is known to everyone. However, many people may not know the real reason for the skipping of car wiper blades; There are three tips:

1. First, the cleanliness of the windshield

First of all, the cleanliness of the front windshield. Most car owners may find that the front windshield will always be foggy when using the car wiper blades on rainy days. It can only be kept clear for a short time, but after a few times, the sight line will appear again soon. In fact, this is because the front windshield is attached to the oil in the air from the vehicle exhaust. Unless the oil is cleaned with a detergent, the oil will not It cannot dissipate by itself.

2. Second, the rubber refill

The elasticity of the wiper rubber refill is directly related to the skipping problem. The aging and hardened rubber refill is not only ineffective for cleaning the glass but also causes skipping problems. Therefore, it is possible to regularly check whether the wiper rubber refill is feasible to avoid the problem of wiper skipping. 

The solution to this problem is very simple, usually maintain the habit of car cleaning, whether it is self-cleaning or going to a car wash center. 

Secondly, is the wiper strip rubber hard and aging? In fact, you can observe whether the new wiper rubber refills you buy every time has basic elasticity, and the hardness will not be excessively biased towards any one property. Because the wiper rubber refill must have basic hardness to remove the slightly sticky dirt and bird droppings on the front windshield, but it must also be elastic so that it will not be damaged by the wiper rubber refill when cleaning the front dust. The attached fine stone particles will scratch the glass indirectly during the process of cleaning the glass.

Because the scratched glass will affect the driver's sight ability through the refraction of light during driving, so regular replacement of wiper strips is also one of the important items of vehicle maintenance.

Generally speaking, the replacement frequency of the wiper rubber refill is about three to six months, but the decision must be made based on the use of the wiper rubber refill. Suppose you find that the front windshield has been cleaned, and the related skipping problems have still occurred, then it is very likely that the wiper rubber refill causing the problem

3. Third, the pressure of the wiper arm

Last possible question, is the wiper arm springs decaying?

This spring is actually located directly under each wiper arm, because most car owners will not notice this place, and it is not listed as one of the regular warranty inspection items of the original factory, so there are few technicians who will go to note where the problem might come from.

When the spring force of the wiper arm is insufficient, it is easy to happen that the wiper arm cannot to press down on the wiper. When the wiper rubber refill cannot be firmly pressed and obedient to wipe off the rain and dirt on the front screen, the wiper will skip. Such a situation Most of them will happen on old cars, because the spring force here will basically not decline too fast, and this possibility will only happen in vehicles that have been used for about 8 or 9 years.

The premise is that you must eliminate the doubts that the front block is dirty and the wiper strips are unusable. If the previous two problems are eliminated, the final possibility of the problem is the wiper arm spring. To eliminate this problem, you must entrust the vehicle warranty factory It's been replaced.

If you need more information, please email us at alicechen@xmyujin.com

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