How to maintain wiper blade

How to maintain wiper blade

Inspect windshield wipers every six months for wear and damage, and replace accordingly. A good rule of thumb is to replace at daylight saving time.

Do not wait to replace worn and damaged wipers until the bad weather hits or visibility is so deteriorated that safety is compromised. Eyestrain from poor visibility can lead to driver fatigue and anxiety. A regular inspection schedule will help avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Give your wiper blade rubber elements a quick cleaning when filling up with gas. After the windshield has been cleaned using the service center’s washer solvent and squeegee, wipe down the rubber with a paper towel. Doing so removes any loose dirt and most road grime that can lead to streaking, smearing and hazing.

While washing your car, put a small amount of Bon Ami on a sponge and clean the windshield and rubber wiping element to remove road grime and oil-like deposits caused by general vehicle use.

Use an ice scraper as much as possible when deicing vehicles. Allow plenty of time to warm up the vehicle with the defroster on “high” to loosen as much ice and snow as possible. Do not use windshield wipers as ice scrapers.

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